BROKEN: Behind The Scenes

Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
LATE FEBRUARY: One of the first few production meetings after Service. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: Pre-rehearsal prayer. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: The stage crews familiarising themselves with the set during one of the rehearsals. (Austen Chua/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: The audio engineer and music supervisor ensures the right music plays at the right time. (Austen Chua/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: The producers plan their next step. (Austen Chua/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: A stage crew member waits for further instructions. (Austen Chua/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: The stage manager prepares the cue sheet for the lighting technicians. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: The stage crews carry out a tech-run to familiarise themselves with the props and markings. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: A cast member in her quiet time as she prepares herself for her role. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
REHEARSALS: An impromptu photo of the coordinator and choreographer. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
AT THE STUDIO: Where the posters and trailers are shot. (Private picture courtesy of RY)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: The service coordinating team prepares the house before doors open. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: And after. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: The lighting supervisor marks down instructions shortly before a rehearsal. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: View from the top. (Austen Chua/Team PICS)
3:16 Church Good Friday 2017
GOOD FRIDAY: The production’s choreographer leads the casts into their quiet time. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: Light and shadow. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: The stage crew supervisor briefs the team in detail. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: A stage crew makes sure all placement markings are in order. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: What it looks like backstage. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: The great divide between the stage, backstage and front of house. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: The stage crews reset the stage during a speed test. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
GOOD FRIDAY: Two of the stage crews share a laugh during lunch. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
EASTER SUNDAY: The casts gather at one of the producers’ home for their lines-reading. (RY/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
EASTER SUNDAY: The casts putting on their make-up. (Harry Derkenne/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
EASTER SUNDAY: Blessings. (Tay Yi En/Team PICS)
Broken Production: Behind The Scenes
EASTER SUNDAY: Before they are actors on stage, they are first worshippers backstage. (RY/Team PICS)
3:16 Church Good Friday 2017
THE TEAM: Not built on the gifts of a few but the sacrifice of many. This is how God’s family feels like. (RY/Team PICS)

Photographed by: RY, Tay Yi En, Austen Chua & Harry Derkenne

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